XML Reader

Reads an XML document from a file.

Input parameters:
File Path - Full path and file name of the file to be read.

XML Writer

Writes an XML document into a file.

Input parameters:
Node - Root node of the XML object to be written.
File Path - Full path and file name of the file to be written.

XML New Document

Creates a new XML document object.

XML New Element

Adds a new element to an XML document.

Input parameters:
Node - Root node of the XML document under which the element will be created.
Path - XPath expression to the element that will be created.
Value - Optional value that will be written to the new element.

XML Get Value

Reads a value from an XML document.

Input parameters:
Node - Root node of the XML document from which the value will be read.
Path - XPath expression of the element or attribute to be read.
Default Value - If element is null then this value gets returned.

XML Set Value

Updates a value in an XML document.

Input parameters:
Node - Root node of the XML document that will be updated.
Path - XPath expression of the element or attribute to be updated.
Value - The value that will be written to the document.

XML Remove Node

Removes a node from an XML document.

Input parameters:
Node - Root node of the XML document from which the value will be read.
Path - XPath expression of the element or attribute to be read.

XML Get Elements

Extracts a set of elements from an XML document.

Input parameters:
Node - Root node of the XML document from which the elements will be extracted.
Path - XPath expression of the elements that will be extracted.

XML Namespace

Registers a mapping between a namespace prefix and URI.

Input parameters:
Prefix - The namespace prefix.
URI - The URI associated with that prefix.

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Version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2019-01-22.