“Manipulate different operations to customise your workflows”


Input Parameters

Operations in ORQA may require one or several input parameters.
As default, ORQA expects strings as input parameters. A string is a type of data representing text.

Other types of Input Parameters

Type of data that can only have one of two possible outcomes, true or false. This data type is especially useful in control flow operations.

Expression to identify a UI element on the screen or XML element of an XML document. All the elements in the UI have Xpaths associated with them. You can decide to write the XPath directly or select it with ORQA.

File Path
A unique location to a document in the local system.

Folder Path
A unique location to a folder in the local system.

Constant or Variables?

You can supply as an input parameter a string or a variable. The variable can be defined in a previous step or it can be the output of a previous step. In order to pass a variable as an input just prefix it with a “=”.

=Name will be interpreted as the value of the variable Name
Name will be interpreted as the string (text) Name

Rules of variables

  • Variable names cannot be keywords or reserved words (the name of data types). E.g: A variable can’t be name “Date” because date is a data type.
  • Variables names cannot include blank spaces or symbols.
  • Variables names should always start with a letter of the alphabet.
  • Variables names are case sensitive - ie Name and name are two different variables.
  • Two different strings of data cannot have the same variable name.
  • When using a variable as an input parameter it should include an equal sign before the variable name.
    E.g: Input Paramenter: =myVariable

Classification of Operations

Control Flow Operations

Learn how to structure your task and replicate your work flow.

Collection Builders

Learn how to quickly build lists and dictionaries in ORQA.

Data Aggregation Operations

Learn about aggregation, pivot tables and more.

Data Filters

This part explains the different options to filter data while you process it.

Data Inputs and Outputs

ORQA can deal with Excel, CSV, Databases and other input and output options.

Data Reconciliation

Learn how to compare data with this operator.

Data Transformations

Transform your data to change formatting, apply string and math operations and more.

File System

Learn how to perform data operations.


Learn about the operations to automate a webpage in this part.


Discover how you can handle XMLs with ORQA.


Enjoy the freedom of writing your own script with Groovy.

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Version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2019-01-22.